I’m so happy to meet you!

My name is Stephanie M. Sullivan (she / her / hers), and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

Stephanie Sullivan sits on a cluster of rocks above a flowing creek, looking up at the camera and smiling.

I am an avid learner and commit myself to a variety of areas of continuing education; I am constantly reading multiple books at a time in an effort to give you the best information possible and to keep myself up-to-date on current literature. I also believe in providing my clients with a variety of resources outside of the therapeutic relationship, such as books, podcasts, articles, etc., as I want to help you fill your own toolbox with skills and techniques that you can utilize outside of our sessions.

Two gray and white cats, one fluffy and one with short hair, lay together on a carpeted floor, making the shape of a heart

When I am not working, you may find me reading, meditating, journaling, scrapbooking, hiking, or playing video games. I also enjoy yoga, traveling, spending time with my loved ones, or hanging out with my two mischievous cats, Chai and Chouli (whom you're likely to meet on a video call!)

Stephanie Sullivan sits cross-legged on the edge of a cliff, with a canyon and pine trees in the background, as she meditates with eyes closed.

One of my personal passions in life is travel. Therefore, I have structured my life and career around the ability to travel and explore new places. For my clients, this means that sometimes I will be coming into sessions from new and different locations than what they are used to seeing. However, my own travels should not impact our sessions too much, and I will still always ensure that your sessions are prioritized and confidential. 

Interested to know more?

Explore my work, expanding the conversation around affirmative mental health care and supporting the LGBTQIA+ and polyamorous communities.